Leadership Coaching

Help The Arts Center in Orange by speaking with a member of their organization for a few sessions about how to become a more effective leader.
The Arts Center in Orange
Orange, VA, USA
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The Arts Center in Orange
Orange, VA, USA


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Posted October 20th

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Project details

What we need
  • 6-8 coaching sessions with a staff member
  • Actionable steps and advice to address an ongoing managerial issue
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the Organization's leadership team
Additional details

I began my first job as an Executive Director in January, following the previous ED's passing (no overlap) and immediately preceding the pandemic. I have worked in managerial positions before, but never at this level or in this context. While we have many plans and I have an understanding Board, I face some "leadership skill"-based challenges (such as effectively communicating strategy & goals). I want to communicate better so that I can step back from "just doing it myself" out of frustration.

What we have in place
  • I am willing to provide any information that will make this coaching more successful. Especially in light of the pandemic and remote working, I can see that I need to strengthen my leadership skills (especially communication and delegation). I do not want to micromanage my small team, but am starting to see that I often "take over" projects that are not completed to my specs. I believe that training my team will be an important piece of this, but I think that training needs to start with me.
How this will help
This project will save us $4,198 , allowing us to better develop our programs and focus on strengthening our team.

As the Director, I need to be a strong leader in order to effectively shape our programs and keep The Arts Center strong, especially now. We provide important resources to our community, and I need to be able to communicate the impact of our work.

Project plan

Milestone 1: Initial Assessment
  • Professional and Volunteer Manager discuss perceived areas of strength and area of improvement, leadership style, and assessment of team motivation and morale
  • Professional and Volunteer Manager decide on specific areas to focus on and goals for coaching sessions
  • Professional communicates if feedback from other members of the Organization will be necessary
Milestone 2: Coaching Sessions
  • In-depth discussions may include issues such as strategy and goal-setting, program management, personnel management, and board management
  • Various techniques may be employed by the Leadership Coach to achieve the desired results
Milestone 3: Wrap-up and Learnings
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional evaluate lessons learned and progress made
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional discuss areas and actionable items to focus on going forward
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About the org

The Arts Center in Orange
Our mission

The Mission of The Arts Center In Orange is to increase the quality of life in our community by promoting an appreciation for fine contemporary arts in diverse styles and ideologies; a forum to promote artistic excellence; scholarship and education; a venue for artists and artisans to work, teach, exhibit and sell work; and a place for the community to learn skills, and to participate in and enjoy the arts.


Gary was thorough, thoughtful, and a pleasure to work with. He was very supportive and open to sharing his professional experiences in order to provide context. Our coaching sessions were very natural and I feel that his insightful comments defintely helped me approach my organization's challenges in more effective and productive ways than I would have otherwise. I also find myself applying the strategies we talked about constantly, so I would heartily recommend Gary if you are looking to strengthen your leadership and listening skills!
Anna P.
Anna P.

Executive Director

Leadership Coaching Project

(No testimonial has been submitted by Gary)
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