
Help Project NexGen enhance their annual reports, grant applications, and other marketing materials with compelling narratives about their organization’s mission, activities, and achievements.
Project NexGen
Sydney, Australia
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Project NexGen
Sydney, Australia


Live Projects


Matched Projects

Posted June 23rd

Project details

What we need
  • A compelling narrative, or set of stories
  • Persuasive copy that can be used in appeals to donors, annual reports, grant applications, and media relations
  • Popular examples: Organization's founding story, a program achievement or milestone, a look back at the past few years, organizational backgrounder, etc.
  • Note: This project is not intended to support your general content planning or marketing but there are several projects in our Marketing & Communications category which are a good fit!
Additional details

Every year I create two annual reports, one is for internal use, the other is to send to stakeholders and potential new stakeholders. I would love some help in writing the copy for both reports.

What we have in place
  • I have previous examples of the annual reports.
How this will help
This project will save us $2,397 , allowing us to find the money to fund a new social impact project.

We are looking for a new narrative with a fresh interpretation in order to inspire our current supporters and attract new stakeholders.
We have never had the funds to outsource such work or get input from professionals and this will give us assets to enhance our organisation in the community. It's a life changing opportunity for the organisation.

Project plan

Prep: Information Gathering
  • Volunteer Manager and Professional discuss the objectives of project and key audiences
  • Volunteer Manager provides Professional with relevant background materials (e.g., annual reports, white papers, brochures, organizational history)
Milestone 1: Storytelling Framework
  • Professional presents and discusses primary story angle(s) to the Volunteer Manager
  • Volunteer Manager facilitates interviews between Professional and individuals willing to share their story (if applicable)
Milestone 2: Document Creation
  • Professional shares draft with Volunteer Manager
  • Volunteer Manager provides Professional with up to two rounds of feedback
Milestone 3: Wrap-Up
  • Professional submits final version
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About the org

Project NexGen
Our mission

Project NexGen helps young adults to reimagine and create the Jewish community and connections they want for themselves.

We are for Jewish young adults, by Jewish young adults.

To achieve our mission, we fund a range of programs that provide new opportunities for young adults to connect authentically with one another.

What we do

Project NexGen's activities include peer-led community building, a dating service (matchmaking and events) and couples education.

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