
place New York, New York, USA


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To address the educational challenges of the 21st-century, ArtsConnection's research-based arts programs create socially just learning environments. Our programs support literacy, communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. ArtsConnection's partnerships include and strengthen the diverse voices of NYC's children and youth, cultivating their arts and academic skills for success in a changing world.

What We Do

With both the arts and education at the core of its mission, ArtsConnection has worked over the past 40+ years to integrate these two elements into a vibrant approach to teaching and learning for New York City public schoolchildren and teens. Underlying our work is the belief that the arts inspire children's learning and development -- that achievement in the arts translates into academic and personal success.


Fran V.
Volunteer manager
Constance S
Constance S.
Foundation and Corporate Relations
Steven T.
Executive Director
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