place Seattle, Washington, USA


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The iLEAP Mission is to nurture a new generation of globally-minded leaders with the inner and outer resources to pursue lives of purpose and to advance social good. The iLEAP Vision is a world where people find meaningful connection and we celebrate our common humanity.

iLEAP is also the fiscal sponsor for Perennial. Perennial creates a space for leadership development with an uncommon approach. Leaders of social change around the world today face and respond to increasingly challenging social and environmental issues. They are called to be resilient and connected to their true source of power and purpose. They are also called to be skilled both in turning inward for awareness and renewal, and in turning outward for authentic connection.

What We Do

Perennial consciously designs and facilitates experiences for social leaders to help them thrive as lifelong leaders. We understand that they must know how to live in joy and inspiration, balanced, aligned and grounded, if they are to sustain their work. Our programs are a transformational opportunity to bring deeper meaning and understanding to the theory and practice of leadership. Our participants find greater purpose in their lives, clarity and skill in the work they lead, and connection to the communities they serve.


Britt Y
Britt Y.
Kei E.
Managing Director
Priti B.
Volunteer Manager
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