Legacy Human Services, Inc.

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
language http://LegacyHumanServices.com


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Our mission is to improve the quality of life and level of emotional and intellectual performance of minority adults in America; help individuals achieve safety, independence, and self-sufficiency through the provision of professional, and quality human services. Our focus is on making a difference in the lives of the people we serve. We stress the total development of minorities moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical health through counseling, education, vocational skills, community integration, lectures, and art. At Legacy Human Services, Inc. our focus is to provide a safe, non-judgmental, and thought-provoking environment.

What We Do

Legacy Human Services (LHS), Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit corporation that provides services geared toward combating the internal impact of trauma including Emotional Abuse or Psychological Maltreatment, Victim or Witness to Community Violence, Historical Trauma, and Victim or Witness to Extreme Personal or Interpersonal Violence. LHS seeks cognitive reframing from the framework of Trauma-Informed Care.


Valerie A
Valerie A.
President / CEO / Founder
William J.
The pixel