Mathiwos Wondu - YeEthiopia Cancer Society

place Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


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Actively engage in the control of pediatric and women cancer along with cancer risk factors.

What We Do

Mathiwos Wondu - YeEthiopia Cancer Society(MWECS) is dedicated to the national cancer control and aspiring to support needy cancer patients in Ethiopia. Among other activities, MWECS provides psycho-social support, shelter, accommodation, transportation & food especially for those families coming from the regions of Ethiopia with no place to stay in Addis Ababa. In addition, it also covers diagnostic & medication(treatment) cost of the patients not provided by Black Lion Hospital. The society is closely working with key federal & regional government offices & is a member of a wide range of local & international consortium.


Wondu Bekele W.
Volunteer manager
Bereket H
Bereket H.
IT officer
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