Mercy Haven, Inc.

place Islip Terrace, New York, USA


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Mercy Haven's mission is to acknowledge the dignity and potential of people who are homeless, living with mental illness or living in poverty by providing housing, advocacy, education and life skills development.

What We Do

Mercy Haven currently provides housing and support services to 414 individuals in need on Long Island, NY. Our population are those who are living with a severe mental illness, homeless families with children, the elderly, disabled and veterans.

We know that ending homelessness is not as simple as putting a roof over one's head. Equipping people with the life skills they need to gain and maintain independence is critical. Our support programs provide job-readiness training, employment opportunities, recreational activities, artistic expression and more. Our unique legal advocacy service, known as Mercy Advocacy Program (MAP), provides counsel to residents on their civil legal emergencies ensuring their access to subsistence income, food stamps, and health care. More than 2,800 cases have been opened by MAP since the program's inception in 1997. MAP also works toward systemic change via class action suits. One suit increased food stamp benefits by $150 million per year to those living in group homes and public housing across New York State.

Our outreach programs include Breakthrough, a 12-week, 24 session education program that helps the homeless or those at risk for homelessness to identify their strengths and set positive goals for the future. There are more than 250 graduates of this program since its start in 2007.

Through our blend of housing, advocacy, education and life skills development, we seek to treat the 'whole person' to make long term change in the lives of those we serve and in our communities.


Ciara J
Ciara J.
Director of Development
Heidi H
Heidi H.
Assistant Director of Development
Sr. Patricia G
Sr. Patricia G.
Executive Director
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