PeaceLove Foundation

place Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA


Saved on 9 projects and calls

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PeaceLove promotes mental wellness by using creativity and expression to inspire, heal, and communicate. We believe everyone deserves a safe space to share their emotions. Our workshops are a place to create fearlessly and honestly without judgement. A place to be vulnerable, celebrate, and empower each other.

What We Do

PeaceLove programs strive to inspire, educate and build self-confidence through creative expression, inclusion and a message of hope. Through the CREATORS Program, PeaceLove equips front-line professionals to deliver our expressive arts curriculum to communities in need. Facilitators work directly with individuals, families, and groups throughout the country to help them achieve improved mental health and better quality of life through artistic expression.

After receiving training, CREATORS deliver a workshop series consisting of visual arts, storytelling, sound and movement with the purpose of providing new resources and skills to achieve mental wellness.


Deidre O
Deidre O.
Jennifer S.
Volunteer manager
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