Pure Game

place Aliso Viejo, California, USA
language https://thepuregame.org


Saved on 22 projects and calls

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The mission of Pure Game is to provide positive mentors who champion the development of a child's self-esteem and confidence, inspiring them to believe in themselves and the possibilities of a better life.

What We Do

Pure Game is a unique teaching platform that infuses a cooperative and inclusive style of athletics with a character-building curriculum for underserved youth. The flexible Pure Game system allows youth of all ages and skill levels to play virtually anywhere - parks, gyms, parking lots or even streets, which is particularly important in low income communities that lack recreational space. The beauty of the Pure Game model is that it is based on the most popular and accessible sport in the world, soccer; through this sport we teach kids to be thoughtful, make positive decisions, and to believe in themselves.

Our ultimate goal is to teach vulnerable children in Orange County to learn and grow not just through their successes, but through their failures as well. Learning these skills now helps youth stay on the right path, gain self-confidence, develop leadership skills, and lead healthy lifestyles. Our motto, "Life, played at full potential," reflects the belief that every child deserves a champion that will promote this life-changing message of growth and empowerment.


Tony E
Tony E.
Chief PlayMaker
Chris P.
Volunteer manager
Heriberto L
Heriberto L.
Operations Director
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