Sittes for Scholors

place Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
language http://www.sitterswithoutborders…


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Sitters Without Borders (SWOB) is committed to providing safe and affordable childcare to low-income families who are eager to pursue an education, with the help of energetic and altruistic volunteer babysitters. We aim to help parents gain an education and ultimately, independence.

What We Do

Sitters Without Borders matches dedicated and highly experienced volunteer babysitters with families in need. Each family that applies and is accepted into o our program, can benefit from a free 4h babysitting session every week. If a family requires additional babysitting, each 4h session costs only $20.
Families and sitters are matched based on experience, availability, need and preference. Usually each family has a regular sitter throughout the semester with substitutes sitters volunteering now and then.
In order to ensure high quality and safety, both sitters and families go through thorough interviews, reference checks as well as CORI background checks before being accepted into the program. After each sessions both parties are also required to submit a feedback form. Further, we have regular feedback sessions with the family as well as group discussion meetings with the sitters.

Within its first year of existence, SWOB has helped more than 40 families, with currently close to 100 families on a wait list! In order to help even more mothers in need and be able to grow and develop, we need every support we can get!


Oksana H
Oksana H.
Executive Director
Volunteer manager
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