The Family And Community Engagement Corp/Police Activity League ("FACE Corp/PAL") of Plainfield

place Plainfield, New Jersey, USA


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FACE Corp/PAL is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit organization that originally began in 1950 as the Police Athletic League of Plainfield (or "PAL"). Our main goal is to see to it that "FACE Corp" emerges as a focal point of service and volunteerism for the sake of children in the Plainfield area and beyond.

What We Do

We are a youth, family, and community engagement organization that provides youth and families with recreational, athletic, and educational experiences through positive, healthy, and uplifting activities. We offer several activities including martial arts classes, music lessons, tutoring, fitness, mentoring, and a anti-bullying program (with more to come).


Joel M
Joel M.
Volunteer Manager
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